New indie and festival-grade student films every week. Join PREVO to watch films and series from emerging filmmakers and students. Then, vote for your favorites and reward their creators! Download on iOS and Android!

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With PREVO, indie film enthusiasts no longer miss out on exceptional films simply because their time on the festival circuit has come to an end. Instead, PREVO offers filmmakers a permanent platform on which to stream their films to an audience of film lovers and fellow filmmakers. 

Every film on PREVO is screened by our submissions team before being accepted into our catalog, and most have already had extremely successful festival runs before their PREVO premieres.

PREVO's web platform has a fully integrated voting feature allowing subscribers to vote for their favorite PREVO films across five categories:

Best Picture, Best Acting, Best Cinematography, Best Writing, and Best Music.

Winners will be rewarded for their artistry, and over time, we intend to shepherd independent filmmakers from their thesis film all the way to critical acclaim. Along the way, PREVO subscribers will have the chance to attend Live Q&A's, workshops, and much more exclusively through PREVO.

PREVO subscribers will have the chance to attend Live Q&A's, workshops, and much more exclusively through PREVO

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Vote for Your Favorites!

PREVO's web platform allows subscribers to vote for their favorite films in monthly film competitions! The winning filmmakers are given rewards towards their next production.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is included in a subscription plan?

Purchasing a subscription grants you access to all content on PREVO, free of ads.

Can I use my mobile phone?

Yes! You can access PREVO from your mobile phone via web browser or mobile app!

Can I cancel any time?

We would hate to see you go, but yes. Anytime!